Summer Small Groups

Ladies Encouraging Ladies
Coffee and Fellowship Once a Month, Saturdays 10am- 12pm
Proverbs 27:17 Iron Sharpens Iron
Run Group - Every other Saturday AM Leader- Becca Ditmore
Single and Single Again Ladies
Getting together to enjoy life, scripture, prayer, and more. Leader- Katie Tricon
Breakfast Club
Coffee, Bible study, and prayer- @ The Hausse- Time TBD Leader- Katelyn Pardue
Married With Children
Dinner, Kids, and God’s Word- Monthly Meeting. Leaders- Scott & Melissa McDaniel
Summer Game Nights
Board games, food, fun, Bible and prayer- Fridays. Leaders- Roger & Martha Boutwell
Saints With a Task (SWAT)
Fellowship & God’s Word- Sunday Mornings. Leaders- Denny & Dory Davis
High Ground
Fellowship & God’s Word- Tuesday Nights. Leaders- Mark Lavigne & Mark Kersey
Victory Youth Squads
Youth Age Small Groups- Wednesday Nights. Leaders- Kirby & Jennifer Pearson
Men's Basketball
Fellowship & Basketball- Sunday Afternoons. Leader- Greg Casello
Biblical Foundations
Fundamentals of the Christian journey- Midweek Wednesday@6:15pm Leader- Jim Calendar
Women and Girls Learn to Crochet
Leader- Elisa Workman
C20- College and 20's
College and 20's age looking to grow in their faith. Thursday Nights. Leaders- Manning and Jenna Lloyd
Men's Bible Study
Fellowship & God’s Word- Wednesday Nights. Leader- Greg Casiello
Studying the Word (Ladies Bible Study)
Fellowship & God’s Word- Wednesday Nights. Leader- Jasmine Workman
Ladies Walking Group
Times and Locations Vary Leader-  Bobbie Ferguson
Middle School Girls Volleyball
Fridays 4pm. Leaders- Nic and Jessica Miller
"Arrows of the Almighty" Moms Raising Children
Moms joining together to further learn how to raise their children. Leaders- Melissa McDaniel and Becca Ditmore
Spiritual Gifts
Midweek Wednesdays @ 6:15pm. Leaders- Kary Stevens & Malcom Ferguson
Novels/ Short Stories/ Poetry
Writing Group - Midweek Wednesday Nights. Leader- Bobby Funderburk
Adult Balance and Cognition Activity
Adaptable sessions building focus, memory & mobility. Thursday 10am. Leader- John Lopez
Spiritual Gifts
Midweek Wednesdays @ 6:15pm Leaders- Kary Stevens & Malcom Ferguson
Couples Bible Study
Midweek Wednesdays @ 6:15pm Leaders- Nic & Jessica Miller

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