Discover Your Purpose

Discovery is a 3-week journey where you discover God's design for you, the church, and how to make an eternal difference in the world.

Discovery is held the first 3 Sundays each month, right after service in the Main Auditorium.
(With childcare and lunch provided!)


stepONE: Discover Victory

stepONE is all about discovering why we do what we do here at Victory. You'll see where we've gone as a church, and more importantly, where we're going.

stepTWO:Discover Your Design

It's said the two best days in a person's life are the day they're born, and the day they discover why. stepTWO is all about discovering your God-given purpose.

stepTHREE: Discover Your Team

stepTHREE brings it all together. We find the intersection of God's vision for the church and His purpose for you to help you live a life that makes a difference.


Sun. March 1

Sun. March 8

Sun. March 15

Sign up for the next Discovery class!

*Registration is not required. It's just to give our team a heads up 😉