DATE night!!!
October 6th starting at 6:00 PM we will have a fun and powerful night! Invite a friend, coworker, or family member. This will be a great night of food, fun, and growing together as a couple.

GueSt Speakers
We are so excited to have Johnny and Kristy Green as our guest speakers! Both Johnny and Kristy are gifted speakers with incredible testimonies. We know God will use them to minister to everyone.

Food and fun
Come hungry and ready for a good time! We will have a full meal, dessert, and lots of fun! Childcare is available.
You can pay for Date Night by dropping a check or cash in the offering box on a Sunday. You can also pay by clicking the "Pay Online" below.
With either option mark it as "Date Night".
If you are not able to pay due to financial reasons we totally understand. We have scholarships available!